Tuesday, 20 June 2017

6 Unbelievable Causes of Hair Loss That You Never Knew

Losing hair is normal nowadays both in men and women. If you are losing more hair strands than usual, then you have to consult a trichologist. So that he will very carefully examine your scalp and then he will tell you the severity of your hair loss.
If it’s in control then he will prescribe you some medications. But if the severity of hair loss is very high then he will recommend you to get a hair transplant.

6 Unbelievable Causes of Hair Loss That You Never Knew:

1. Unhealthy Diet and Insufficient Intake of Nutrients:

If you are taking an insufficient amount of nutrients like Vitamin A, B, C, the mineral zinc, sulfur, and protein. Then you have increased your chances to suffer from hair loss. To control hair loss, you can also use vitamins, protein supplements etc.

2. Improper Sleep and Illness:

If you have a habit to stay awake till late night then you have chances to suffer from hair loss due to it. Staying awake till late night can also affect your health negatively. It can make you weak and ill. And you will be unable to perform your tasks in the next day.

3. Medical Disorders:

There are many medical disorders which can be the cause of hair loss. If you are suffering from any of the medical disorders and using the prescribed medications then you have increased the risk to suffer from hair loss.
Chemotherapy, Cancer Medicine, It’s a very potent medicine and also affects the body in different ways. It’s used to destroy the dividing cells of cancer. But at the same time, it also kills the dividing cells of the body including hair follicles cells.
Iron deficiency/ Anaemia, mostly women have to suffer from anemia because they are experiencing heavy periods and they don’t eat enough iron-rich diet, so their blood doesn't have enough red blood cells.
Thyroid Disorder/ Hypothyroidism, The stable thyroid hormones are important because they have many responsibilities like to control the metabolism, heart rate, and mood. Actually, it’s responsible for everything in the body like, the rate at which your body uses oxygen and energy for the development of hair, skin, and nails.
Lupus, the healthy tissues in the body are attached to the body’s own immune system, which really affects the body and causes fatigue, headache, oral ulcers, painful, swollen joints, fever, swelling in the feet and hands, around the eyes, chest pain, and anemia.

4. Birth Control Pills and Pregnancy:

Due to the intake of birth control pills and after the period of pregnancy, your body really gets affected and hair loss is the symptom of your weak body.

5. Tight Hair Styles and Excessive Styling: 

If you have a habit of making tight hairstyles like tight braids/ ponytails, then you have more risks of damaged hair. So try to make a loose hairstyle.
If you use to shampoo or wash your hair a lot, then again you have chances to have hair loss. Try to wash your hair twice a week.
If you use heating tools on daily basis like straighter, curlers, blow dryer etc. then it’s also the cause of your hair loss.
Chemicals like permanent dye colors can damage your hair and results in hair fall.
So try to avoid washing your hair too regularly, tight hairstyles, permanent dye colors and excessive use of heating tools on your hair.

6. Hereditary, Genetic Hair Loss:

Genetic or hereditary is the main reason for hair loss and it was impossible to treat in the past times.
But in the advancement of hair transplant techniques, this most common cause of hair fall can be treated very easily and shows permanent results.

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