Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Is it true that Breast augmentation can cause cancer? My Experience

There are many speculations associated with breast implants; they go as big as cancer and as little as scar breast augmentation. I will share with you my true experience and share my true thoughts.

Let’s give you an insight into why I got into breast augmentation, despite being the risks like breast cancer and scar breast augmentation associated with it. I was always a small-chested woman, flat-chested to be more precise. It was something that always bothered me and devastated my confidence levels as well. I restricted my clothing choices, was always covered in layers and still heard people making fun of me. You are such a boy, you got no curves were some of the most common comments I would get from people. It made me to do some research to consider the consequences like scar breast augmentation, possibility of a cancer and few other considerations as well.

I did a lot of research on my own, read papers published by most profound individuals of the medical science and my strongest fear of breast cancer melted away. I didn’t limit my research to the internet. I went as far as attending medical conferences and visiting the best health professional in town. They all confirmed me that associating breast cancer with breast augmentation is absolutely absurd and there is absolutely no connection within the two. That led me ten steps ahead in my decision making process and confirmed my decision.

Next thing which concerned me the most was scar breast augmentation. I knew that I would get a scar but I wanted to ensure that it wasn’t visible or there are some ways to get rid of it such as by surgical scar revision. I went for the initial consultation with the surgeon of my choice. I shared my concern and she told me that scar would be under the breast fold so it won’t be visible. But after I am healed completely, I can go for scar removal procedures as well which will eliminate my scar completely.

I got my breast implants 3 years back and let me tell you, it was the best decision I could have ever made for myself. I have never been happier. Breast implants have removed that little voice in the back of my head and made me happy and confident. So the bottom line is that having scar breast augmentation is inevitable but they can be removed later on and associating breast cancer with breast implants is absolutely absurd. Do some research on your own and go for breast implant surgery.

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