Sunday, 29 January 2017

Are There Any Risks Associated With Laser Skin Tightening?

You are probably reading this article because you want to achieve youthful skin and get rid of sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles. In this post, we are going to discuss:
  • What is laser skin tightening?
  • Risks associated with Laser Skin Tightening.
  • Benefits of the procedure

What is Laser Skin Tightening in Abu Dhabi?

Laser Skin Tightening in Abu Dhabi is a unique anti aging technique that produces dramatic results. It dramatically reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.  The best part about laser skin tightening treatment in Abu Dhabi is that it is a noninvasive procedure which will transform your skin dramatically.  It involves the use of an infrared light source which tightens the skin by heating up the collagen under the skin and promoting cell regeneration process. Within a few months, your skin becomes glowing, soft and rejuvenated. This technique is approved by FDA for targeting skin aging. Often times, it is performed in combination with Stretch Marks Removal in Abu Dhabi.


Many people wonder whether there are any risks associated with laser skin tightening in Abu Dhabi or not. Luckily, this technique has no significant risks associated with it. As it is a non-invasive technique, there are no cuts and stitches involved which reduce the possibility of any infections or risks. However, it is better to undergo all the tests asked by the dermatologists before the procedure to ensure that the procedure suits you well. Normally the dermatologists prohibit you from undergoing the treatment if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or suffering from any chronic illnesses.


Following are the key benefits of laser skin tightening in Abu Dhabi:
  • It is a non-invasive procedure.
  • It does not involve any significant recovery period or downtime.
  • It makes your skin look younger.
  • It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • It tightens your skin.
  • It produces quick results.
  • The results produced are long lasting.


If you want to look years younger than your age, it is better to undergo Laser Skin Tightening Treatment in Abu Dhabi because no natural treatment can cure your skin worries. It is the perfect and safest procedure for mature skin. Say goodbye to dull, dry and tired looking skin and welcome the youthful glow.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

I Want Buttock Augmentation, but I Don't Want Implants

A curvy body plays a key role in enhancing your beauty. If you have always been self-conscious about your butt, now is the time to change that by buttock lift Dubai. You can now achieve toned, tight and uplifted derriere of your dreams. But many people I have met do not want to undergo buttock implants, yet they want a firm, round and uplifted butt.  If you are one of them, you have come to the right place as you will be able to discover an option to achieve perfect looking butt without going for implants.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift is an amazing buttock lift Dubai procedure that works equally well for both men and women. You have probably tried everything by now ranging from diets to exercise but are looking for a cure that will actually boost your confidence and will help you acquire a shapely body. Buttock lift Dubai involves extracting fat from one part of the body and transferring it to your butt. As the fat is extracted from your own body, your body won’t feel the need to reject it, like with implants. It not only helps you achieve a rounded but shape but will also look extremely natural, unlike butt implants.

Procedure of Brazillian Butt Lift

The entire procedure takes less than 3 hours to complete. It is performed under general anesthesia. Two tiny incisions are made in the butt region and fat distribution is ensured to be even. Then pockets will be made in the buttocks below gluteal muscles and implants are placed in these pockets. After the buttock lifts Dubai, it is important for you to wear a compression garment to alleviate swelling and discomfort. Some individuals might experience re-absorption of fat which is fixed with a quick touch up session. The results are extremely natural looking and will help you achieve the body of your dreams.

Things to Consider

With any surgical procedure, it is important that you do your research. Always get a list of clinics, to begin with. Do your research. Have a look at their websites. Read the reviews online. Shortlist the two clinics and go for an initial consultation with both of them. Also, have a look at the skills and expertise of the doctors and their success stories. Never compromise on quality. Buttock lift Dubai can revive up your confidence and make you feel fabulous about your body. So, choose wisely.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Complete Beauty Transformation with Three Key Treatments

If you want to transform your face completely and are confused with a huge number of procedures available in the market, the three key procedures enlisted in this article will transform your beauty game completely. The three key procedures, we are going to discuss in this treatment are:

Rhinoplasty in Dubai
Eyelid Surgery in Dubai
Facelift in Dubai          

You can choose either one of these treatments to get a beauty fix or go for all three to acquire a dramatic transformation. Let’s explore these treatments:

Rhinoplasty in Dubai

The procedure of Rhinoplasty in Dubai comes in handy if you absolutely hate the way your nose looks. A pretty nose, which falls in symmetry with the rest of your face, can do wonders for your beauty quotient. If your nose is short, fat with respect to the rest of your face, has a bumpy peak and looks in appropriate with the rest of your facial features, Rhinoplasty Dubai is the answer. It will not only make your nose appear beautiful but will immensely improve your confidence levels as well. Rhinoplasty Dubai offers following key benefits:

It imparts symmetry to your face.
It improves the shape of your nose.
It treats the bump of the nose.

Eyelid Surgery in Dubai

As we age, our eyes are one of the first places to show signs of aging. Winkles around your eyes, crowfeet and droopy eyelids make you look older. To counteract this, eyelid surgery in Dubai is used. Anesthesia is administered to numb the skin around your eyes. For targeting upper eyelid area, injection is injected in the crease while for targeting lower eyelid; incision is made just below the lash line. The entire process takes less than an hour to complete and makes your eyes look fresh, revived and young. Eyelid surgery in Dubai comprises of following key benefits:

It makes you look younger.
It makes your eyes refreshed.
It restores sagging eyelids.

Facelift in Dubai

Rhytidectomy, also known as facelift in Dubai is a simple lunch-hour procedure that involves lifting up your facial tissues to impart a more youthful look to your skin. It also tones up your face by getting rid of excess fat pockets. It helps to eliminate fine lines, wrinkles, nasolabial folds and sagging skin and impart a structured feel to your face, making you look years younger than you actually are. It provides following benefits:

It is a non-invasive technique.
It is a simple lunch hour technique.
It makes you appear younger.
It makes tightens your skin.

These three procedures provide impeccable results and improve your looks and confidence immensely. Let us know which of the above mentioned treatments you are looking forwards to.    Also see How to get rid of belly fat.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Is it true that Breast augmentation can cause cancer? My Experience

There are many speculations associated with breast implants; they go as big as cancer and as little as scar breast augmentation. I will share with you my true experience and share my true thoughts.

Let’s give you an insight into why I got into breast augmentation, despite being the risks like breast cancer and scar breast augmentation associated with it. I was always a small-chested woman, flat-chested to be more precise. It was something that always bothered me and devastated my confidence levels as well. I restricted my clothing choices, was always covered in layers and still heard people making fun of me. You are such a boy, you got no curves were some of the most common comments I would get from people. It made me to do some research to consider the consequences like scar breast augmentation, possibility of a cancer and few other considerations as well.

I did a lot of research on my own, read papers published by most profound individuals of the medical science and my strongest fear of breast cancer melted away. I didn’t limit my research to the internet. I went as far as attending medical conferences and visiting the best health professional in town. They all confirmed me that associating breast cancer with breast augmentation is absolutely absurd and there is absolutely no connection within the two. That led me ten steps ahead in my decision making process and confirmed my decision.

Next thing which concerned me the most was scar breast augmentation. I knew that I would get a scar but I wanted to ensure that it wasn’t visible or there are some ways to get rid of it such as by surgical scar revision. I went for the initial consultation with the surgeon of my choice. I shared my concern and she told me that scar would be under the breast fold so it won’t be visible. But after I am healed completely, I can go for scar removal procedures as well which will eliminate my scar completely.

I got my breast implants 3 years back and let me tell you, it was the best decision I could have ever made for myself. I have never been happier. Breast implants have removed that little voice in the back of my head and made me happy and confident. So the bottom line is that having scar breast augmentation is inevitable but they can be removed later on and associating breast cancer with breast implants is absolutely absurd. Do some research on your own and go for breast implant surgery.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Also Shown to Improve Migraine Pain

Cosmetic eyelid surgery has many other benefits other than improving your aesthetic. Sagging eyelids can hinder the vision, which is why many people undergoing an eyelid surgery want to correct their eye sight issues. This surgery can also help in reducing migraine pain, which very few people are aware of.
You must understand that irrespective of its benefits, eyelid surgery is not an option for everyone. You must schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon so he can determine if you are a candidate of this surgery after physical examination and understanding your expectations from the procedure.      

How is it Performed?

It is important that you know the procedure of the surgery so you can make a decision about it. Eyelid surgery is called as a blepharoplasty in medical terms. It is a simple surgery but your eyes are the most delicate areas that you can’t take any risks with. You must look for an expert plastic surgeon to ensure your safety and results.

Your surgeon will make an incision in the crease of upper eyelid and remove the excess skin, fat or muscles that causes the drooping appearance of eyelids. Your surgeon will make an incision inside the lower eyelid if excess fat needs to be removed. If the area under your eyes lack fat, your surgeon might suggest you going for fat injections in Dubai.

How it can Reduce Migraines?

It is recommended that you discuss with your surgeon that whether or not an eyelid surgery will help in curing migraine. Eyelid surgery reduces migraine pain by the incisions made in the procedure. Your surgeon makes the incisions in the upper eyelid and deactivates some nerves which are said to be trigger nerves for migraines.

Please consider scheduling an appointment with a reputable plastic surgeon for an eyelid surgery in Dubai because the success of your treatment depends largely upon the expertise of your surgeon.

Friday, 13 January 2017

All You Need to Know About Fat Transfer in Dubai

In this day and age, appearance is everything. Each one of us wants to become the best version of ourselves. We all have certain insecurities about our appearance.  We want stay young and healthy for as long as possible and look the part. As we age, gravity starts to drag everything down, it, means sagging skin, sagging buttocks and flabby body. This fact alone makes us feel self conscious about our bodies and looks. Do not worry as dermatologists have come up with certain procedures like fat injection Dubai and buttock lift in Dubai to make us look young forever. In this article, we will discuss:

What is fat injection Dubai?
What buttock lift in Dubai can do for you? 
The results of the respective treatments
Benefits of the respective treatments

Fat injection Dubai

Fat injection Dubai is an amazing tool to help people look youthful and ripe. We all have uneven distribution of fat around our bodies. We all want to gain just a little bit of extra volume in certain regions and lose fat in others. Fat injection Dubai offers just that. If you have lost volume in your buttocks or cheeks, it is the best procedure for you.

Buttock lift in Dubai

As a result of sudden weight loss, aging and lack of elasticity in your skin, people lose volume in their buttocks and experience sagging butts. They not only look unattractive but age you drastically. Buttock lift in Dubai is the answer to your worries. It will impart just the right amount of volume and make your skin look toned and tight as well.  Consult your doctor today and revive your looks and confidence back.

Results of the treatments

Many individuals have a question in mind that how long it will take for the results to show through. The answer to this question in “immediately after the treatment” Yes you heard me right. You will notice an immediate improvement in your skin and body after fat injection Dubai and Buttock lift in Dubai. However, swelling takes a week or two to subside. After that you will be able to witness true results.

Benefits of the treatment

There are endless benefits associated with Fat Injection Dubai and Buttock Lift in Dubai. The most pronounced ones include:

Fat transfer is a non-invasive procedure.
There is no downtime associated with the treatment.
There is no pain involved during the procedure.
You will look young and healthy.
You will witness instant results

Before you decide on any treatment, it is important to consult a trust worthy doctor or dermatologist, regarding fat injection Dubai or buttock lift in Dubai. After you clarify all your concerns, reach a conclusion and live a happy, healthy and youthful life.

Thursday, 12 January 2017

10 Things I wish I'd known before Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation procedure is designed to enhance the size and fullness of the breasts, usually with breast implants. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts because they are smaller in size or they have lost their volume or shape due to pregnancy or rapid weight fluctuations, you might consider a breast augmentation to get the breasts of your desire. Here are few things that that you should understand before undergoing a breast augmentation.

It Might Not Be a Once in a Lifetime Surgery

Breast augmentation in Dubai gives long lasting results. The implants may last for a lifetime but there are more chances that you will have to remove or replace the implants after 10 to 12 years which involves a follow-up surgical procedure. There exists a risk of leakage or rupturing of implants which requires another surgery for the removal or replacement of the implant. So, you should understand that this surgery is probably not your last surgery before you go to your surgical suite.

You Will Have to Take Days Off From Work

You will need complete rest for 5 to 6 days after a breast augmentation treatment. You can go back to work after a week if your job does not involves physical labor. Otherwise you will have to wait for another week or two.

You Have to Avoid Any Strenuous Tasks

You will be instructed to avoid any vigorous exercise for few weeks after the surgery.

Your Breasts Will Not Feel Same As Natural Breasts

Although, silicone gel implants are said to have a texture similar to a real breast but it does not feel same like a real breast tissue. If you have chosen smaller breast implants, it will be less detectable however larger implants with no real breast tissues are attracted by speculations.

Your New Breasts Can Affect Your Posture

The weight of your implants and the breasts as a whole will affect your posture in the same way as natural over-weighing breasts would do.

You Can Try On Different Implant Sizes

You can try on breast implants of different sizes and shapes with an elastic bra to choose the best one for you.

You Can Foresee the Results

Now, you can visualize the outcomes of a breast augmentation surgery with a computer imaging app so your surgeon understands what you want from the treatment and you also keep realistic expectations from the surgery.

You Can Choose your Treatment Plan

You have to choose from saline implants, silicone gel implants or fat graft implants with the help of your surgeon. Fat grafts are collected from any other area of your own body.

Your Nipples May Lose Sensitivity for Some Time

Your nipples are like to lose sensation for some time after a breast augmentation surgery. You should discuss it with your plastic surgeon in a consultation before the surgery.

A Scar is Likely to Be Formed

You should expect a formation of a scar in the place of an incision after a breast augmentation surgery. However, some surgeons perform invisible scar breast augmentation in which small incisions are made in less visible areas.

Breast augmentation is a sensitive surgery that you should not undergo to please someone or under anyone’s pressure. Research about it and talk to a plastic surgeon who can help you in making the best decision.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Rhinoplasty Surgery,Tips, Recovery, Risks and More

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery in which the size and shape of your nose is altered for both aesthetic and functional reasons. Rhinoplasty involves your surgeon to make changes to your nose according to your requirements ensuring these changes compliment other facial features and to solve the functional issues of the here to read about Helpful tips to find the best nose reshaping surgery.

Recovery Period After a Rhinoplasty

The recovery time required after a rhinoplasty surgery is not a very long but you should understand that nose is a sensitive body area.

You will experience pain and discomfort for first few days after the surgery, however, use of painkillers prescribed by your surgeon will help you reduce the pain. Cold compresses can also help in controlling the discomfort.
Your nose will be covered with a bandage or packing for protection which will be removed after a week by your surgeon.
Swelling will take a little time to disappear completely, but you are likely to be comfortable in going out after a week or two. People would not be able to decipher a cosmetic surgery but your nose will look different. Swelling in the cheek area will be gone within 4 to 5 days however your nose might be swollen for several weeks.
Your surgeon is likely to make an incision inside the nose or the skin between your nostrils so the scar of incision is not significantly visible. The scar will fade away after some time.
You should not perform strenuous exercises which may raise your blood pressure. Do not bend over or lift any heavy object for a week or two because it can delay the healing process.

Risks Associated With a Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure, you must go to an expert plastic surgeon for a nose surgery to avoid any risk associated with it. The risks may include;

Recurring bleeding of your nose
Functional issues like difficulty in breathing
Numbness of your nose
Formation of a visible scar
Swelling may last up to a year
Discoloration of the treated area

Your plastic surgeon needs your help in reducing the risk factor in your Rhinoplasty Dubai. you will have to follow a list of instructions given by your plastic surgeon to make the surgery successful and recovery procedure easier for you.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Things you should know about tummy tuck surgery

Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure which removes the excess fat, trims the loose and sagging skin and tightens the abdominal muscles.

Who Should Not Consider a Tummy Tuck?

If you are suffering from any serious medical condition, you may not qualify for a tummy tuck treatment. You should delay the surgery if you are pregnant. If you have excessive fat deposits but minimal skin, you are not an ideal candidate for a tummy tuck surgery. You can opt for liposuction in Dubai for fat removal.
Tummy tuck requires a downtime so if you can’t take off from work for more than two weeks, you should understand that this surgery is not for you.

How to Prepare for Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Your surgeon is going to give you a comprehensive list of instructions to follow in an initial consultation which helps in making the surgery and aftertime easy and comfortable. Common instructions given to nearly every patient are;

You will have to follow a healthy diet regimen. Your surgeon may prescribe particular foods to incorporate into your diet plan.
You will have to stop smoking at least 2 weeks prior to the surgery as it can delay the healing process.
Stop alcohol consumption at least a week before the treatment.
You are healthy, your surgeon will ask for some lab tests.

Complete abdominoplasty

Complete abdominoplasty is performed to remove excess fat and skin, tightens the skin and muscles improving the whole contour of the tummy.

Partial or mini abdominoplasty

Partial or mini abdominoplasty treats a partial area of the abdomen that has loose skin or excess fat. Usually, it is performed on the lower tummy area. It tightens the skin in limited area but muscles are tightened and excess fat is removed.

Who Are the Best Candidates For a Tummy Tuck?

Your abdominal skin, fat and muscles are the factors what help in determining your candidacy for the surgery. However, you can opt for a tummy tuck Dubai, if;

You are in good health; not suffering from any serious disease
You do not smoke
You have loose and sagging abdominal skin
You have stretch marks on your abdomen
Your tummy has excess fat that does not go away with restricted diet and exercise

Going under the knife is always a major decision, decide thoughtfully. Read about tummy tuck on internet or it’s better to discuss things with a plastic surgeon. Choose a most reputable tummy tuck surgeon in the town so you are confident about the procedure and the results.
